What is an Ion|What is the significance of Ions and Ionization

What is an Ion|What is the significance of Ions and Ionization


  If an atom has more or less electrons than protons, that atom acquires an electrical charge.

shortage of electrons results in positive charge; an excess of electrons gives a negative charge. 

The element’s identity remains the same, no matter how great the excess or shortage of electrons. In the extreme case, all the electrons might be removed from an atom, leaving only the nucleus.

However, it would still represent the same element as it would if it had all its electrons.

 A charged atom is called an ion

When a substance contains many ions, the material is said to be ionized.

A good example of an ionized substance is the atmosphere of the earth at high altitudes.

    The ultraviolet radiation from the sun, as well as high-speed subatomic particles from space, result in the gases’ atoms being stripped of electrons. The ionized gases tend to be found in layers
at certain altitudes. These layers are responsible for long-distance radio communications at some frequencies.

   Ionized materials generally conduct electricity well, even if the substance is normally not a good conductor. 

  Ionized air makes it possible for a lightning stroke to take place, for example.

 The ionization,caused by a powerful electric field, occurs along a jagged, narrow channel. After the lightning flash, the nuclei of the atoms quickly attract stray electrons back, and the air becomes electrically neutral again.

An element might be both an ion and an isotope different from the usual isotope.

 For example,an atom of carbon might have eight neutrons rather than the usual six, thus being the isotope C14,and it might have been stripped of an electron, giving it a positive unit electric charge and making it an ion

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